I am using unusual samples (cut fingernails, q-tips, hair, etc.)

I am using unusual samples (cut fingernails, q-tips, hair, etc.)


We send our industry standard buccal cheek swabs with our kits. If you prefer not to swab one or more of the parties for this test, you can submit an unusual sample in place of the swabs. 


  • You need to add this to your cart for each person you're submitting unusual samples for
  • Cut fingernails have the highest success rate, followed by q-tips from ear cleanings. Highly recommended over other sample types. 
  • This fee covers only 1 type of sample per person
  • If submitting hair, we need 10-15 and they must have the follicle attached (shed or cut hair does not work)
  • This process can add 5-10 business days to the overall turnaround time
  • If the sample you submit turns out not to be viable, you will have to pay this fee again and provide an additional sample if you want to continue with the testing process
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